Find a cool, dry place away from children and pets
When looking for the perfect place to keep your e-juice, it’s important to find a spot that is not only cool and dry but also out of the reach of children or pets. Exposing your e-juice to heat will speed up the chemical processes that make it lose its flavour and strength. Because of this, you should never leave your substances outside or in a car where they can be exposed to direct sunlight.
Ideally, the best place to store your e-juice would be any cupboard or cabinet. Not only does this provide a dry, cool and dark place, it will also make it hard for children or pets to get their hands on it. If your house has a basement, this is also an excellent place for storage because it’s often cooler and darker than any other room in the house.
Another possible place for storage would be in the refrigerator. Although this could be a great option, it is not always the best option, as it may lead to a change in consistency of the liquid. If you do opt for fridge storage, be sure to let your liquid warm up to room temperature before using it. Storing your substance in the fridge may also make it more accessible to children. If you’re planning on refrigerating your e-juice, keep it on one of the higher, out-of-reach shelves.
Store e-juice in tinted glass bottles
While storing in plastic containers can be acceptable for short-term storage, the best way to store e-juice for the long term is to use glass bottles. Unlike plastic bottles, glass bottles are better at keeping oxygen out of the bottle. When oxygen gets into the bottle, the vape liquid will oxidize faster, causing it to lose its flavour faster than otherwise. Glass bottles do a great job of keeping your juice sealed away from the harmful substances outside.
Exposure to light will also have a huge effect on the flavour of your vape liquid. Because the chemicals in e-juice are highly affected by heat and light, the ideal container in which to store your product is a tinted glass bottle, minimizing the amount of light allowed into the bottle.
Label your bottles
More often than not, people forget to do the little things that could help make their e-liquid last. Something as simple as labeling the bottle with the date can make a world of difference. Even if you think you’ll remember when you got your favorite banana split-flavoured e-juice, you’d be surprised how easily that information can get lost in the excitement of receiving your new blueberry pomegranate-flavoured e-juice.
Labelling your e-liquid will ensure you know exactly what you’re opening as well as allow you to see which flavours you should use up first. When looking through your cabinet of flavours, you’ll find that it’s probably better to prioritize the older yet still delicious options when choosing a flavour. By taping a label to the bottle, you’ll not only feel more organized, but you’ll also be able to get the most out of your precious liquids.
You don’t always have to wait until you finish the first flavour to move on to the next. We know how important it is to make the things that we love last as long as possible, and these simple tips could make a huge difference. As long as you don’t go overboard, you can have a nice variety of flavours while still being able to enjoy the fresh taste of new bottles.
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