Saturday, June 30, 2018

Vape Train Concentrated Ejuice Flavours

Vape Train concentrated flavouring is now available at!

Strawberry Custard by Vape Train

We’re super excited to be able to share with you the newest line of flavours that just arrived. All the way from the beautiful Australia, the full lineup of over 100 Vape Train concentrated flavourings are here!

Milkshake base by Vape Train

The fine folks from down under sure do know their flavours. Vape Train flavour offerings are a diverse selection of staple ejuice flavours like blueberry, strawberry and vanilla cream as well as some unique base flavour concentrates like milkshake base and pudding base on which to build your next unique DIY masterpiece. 

Apollo Feijoa by Vape Train

If you’re looking for a unique and original fruit flavoured concentrate then you've got to try Apollo Feijoa. A fruit native to New Zealand, Apollo Feijoa by Vape Train is an exotic and tangy flavour akin to the juiciness of pineapple with hints of green banana flavour and tangy distinct aroma. 

Interested more in satisfying that sweet tooth in your next DIY blend? Then you're definitely going to want to try Vape Train's Fizzy Sherbet. Not quite like the sherbet or "sherberts" you may be used to, the Fizzy Sherbet is more like a pixie stick with a sweet twist and provides a slight "fizzyness" to your ejuice.

What's your favourite Vape Train Flavour? Got a masterpiece recipe you want to share? Let us know on our facebook page!